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Image by Almos Bechtold
Power, Hatred and Peace

A Men’s Rites of Passage event


June 15th - 18th 2023  Snowdonia   £395 (£370 if booked early)


With Simon Roe, Sebastian Kelly, Ben Howarth and Phil Atkinson


Power. Hatred. Peace. Strong themes and forces looming large in the outer world, and playing out in the inner world too.


Power. Often associated with men, not always positively. Questions of power prowl unspoken when men gather - who’s got the power here? What’s the pecking order? Some crave it, and for others it is a dirty word.But what is power really? And what is real power?


Hatred. Can be hard to admit to. Some say they have none. But let’s face it, that’s not true. Socially unacceptable, hate usually gets cast out in denial. Hate? Not me. But let’s get real about this . Maybe it has things of value to teach us.


Peace. Many of us long, fundamentally, for peace. Inner and outer. Yet it proves elusive, hard to find, impossible to sustain. A distant dream. Or a hippy ideal. For some we can have no peace. Maybe it's time for a closer look.


Why lump this trio together? Well, it is said that there are surprising, profound, potentially transformative links that bind them. We’ll examine this together and see what we make of it all.


With the mountains of Snowdonia as our base, and in a safe and solidly facilitated space, we’ll explore this territory and what it brings us. Our approach includes a rich mix of group work, ritual, inquiry, time in nature and the power of men in community. Each man is welcome just as he is and with whatever he brings. Come and join us.


Simon Roe originally trained as a body psychotherapist and has 30 years’ experience of working with individuals and groups. A large part of his practice is focused on working with men and he has been greatly influenced by teachers such as Robert Bly, Malidoma Some & Martin Prechtel. He has worked extensively with perpetrators of domestic violence, both adult and teenage and is a Respect ( approved trainer and supervisor. Simon has recently completed a foundation course in Process Oriented Psychology, an approach which increasingly informs his practice. 


Sebastian Kelly is a long-time men’s worker, facilitator and mentor, with over 20 years experience in the field and a particular love of inquiry and ritual. A former national park ranger, he has also led groups in the hills and forests as a mountain leader and educator since 1993. Sebastian is foundation trained in Core Process Psychotherapy, and a student of the Ridhwan School’s Diamond Approach to inner realization since 2005. A grassroots ecoactivist since his teens, Sebastian’s current work role is in the actions unit of an environmental campaign NGO.


Phil Atkinson has recently retired from his work as a coach, working mainly in the corporate world. Previous to this he was an actor for 25 years. His experience of ritual men’s work, as both participant and facilitator, goes back to the early 1990’s. He’s currently enjoying a rest by the sea in Scotland. 


Ben Howarth lives and works in West Yorkshire. He was introduced to men’s work in 2007 and is a member of Leeds Men’s Group. He has facilitated various outdoor education events and runs a garden design and landscaping business.  


Numbers are limited to 16 participants


For more information or to make a booking tel. Simon on 0771 2264011




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